Making the Most of Classroom Interactions (MMC) Coaching Logo

CLASS Group Coaching (MMCI)

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Create highly effective CLASS coaches to deliver group coaching to your teachers

This structured group coaching model immerses teachers in CLASS professional development that’s been proven to change teaching behaviors. By creating an in-house CLASS coach to deliver this face-to-face program to teachers, programs help teachers develop awareness and enact change in the classroom.

Coaches will:

  • Become in-house experts who support teacher growth and drive targeted improvements

  • Acquire the skills and credentials needed to develop teaching proficiency in the CLASS-based methodology

  • Gain confidence in providing CLASS-based feedback to teachers

  • Strengthen their training and facilitation skills

Teachers will:

  • Learn alongside their peers in small group-coaching sessions

  • Watch and reflect on real classroom videos of other teachers

  • Learn to identify and describe effective interactions in the classroom

  • Build skills, insights, and strategies to apply CLASS concepts to teaching

  • Receive  CEUs toward professional certification

Why We Recommend This

Research shows that CLASS Group Coaching (MMCI):

  • Improves teacher scores in all three CLASS domains

  • Fosters a positive relationship between teachers and their coaches

  • Helps teachers feel more connected to and supported by their colleagues

Who Uses CLASS Group Coaching (MMCI)

CLASS Group Coaching is great for organizations that want to create foundational CLASS competencies for coaches and teachers. It’s also ideal for programs that want to provide a face-to-face, group learning experience for teachers.

What to Expect

  • 3-day initial training for coaches

  • Ongoing coaching support from a CLASS specialist, including:

    • Implementation group calls and debriefing group call

    • Reviews of coaching (3 reviews)

    • One-on-one conferencing with coaches (2 sessions)

  • Materials for coach participants, plus sample teacher participant materials (for reference)

  • An AV kit for each CLASS Group Coaching (MMCI) coach