A CLASS® Primer for Teachers Online Course

A CLASS® Primer for Teachers Online Course

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A CLASS® Primer for Teachers is an online course that introduces teachers to understanding why interactions matter, the purpose of the CLASS® Tool and CLASS® observations, and introduces teachers to the frameworks for the selected age level. 


Coursework available in the following age levels:

  • Infant/Toddler 
  • Pre-K 
  • K-3 


Learners in this course will complete teacher-focused content that promotes engagement and buy-in. The course introduces teachers to the CLASS Framework and encourages them to reflect on their classroom practice. The flexible course structure allows teachers to focus on the domains and dimensions of the CLASS tool aligned to their own learning and professional goals. The course offers bite-sized learning opportunities, which can be accessed from any device, to support teachers in fitting professional development into their busy schedules.

Languages: English or Spanish, participants will select their language preference before starting the course

The course will take 3 hours to complete and provide the learner with a certificate showing 0.3 CEUs. 


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